Ocean Lightforce®️ Chiropractic


Contributed by Dr. Dennis Buckley

In challenging or prosperous times, who can you count on? Who’s got your back?

We all need help. Alone we are nothing. We need support physically, emotionally and spiritually. Most of what we have accomplished in our lives was because people had our back. We are responsible for ourselves but we could not do it alone.

When it comes to your health care, does your doctor or team of doctors have your back? Do you trust that your health care providers will guide you in the right direction? Through this journey called health, are your doctors inspired to help you reach your health goals or do you feel they are just doing a job, going through the motions to get paid?

Here are a few characteristics of a doctor who truly has your back:

They stand for you being your best
They provide a healthy vision for the future
They are not merely drug-pushers
They empower you to make healthy choices
They educate and inform you
They are a source of information
They present your options
They care about your family

Does your current health care team have these traits? You need two types of health care providers. One that helps in times of crisis and one that helps prevent a crisis from happening by optimizing the function of your mind and body. Through all the healing arts there are examples of these kinds of doctors.

As a 100 Year Lifestyle chiropractor, we help people who are in crisis, we help people make healthier choices that are good for you and your family and we will help get your body functioning to its full potential. We have your back and more.

Thanks for trusting us as an essential member of your health care team. If you have not yet come in for an evaluation, give our office the opportunity to serve your health care needs. We’ve got your back!

This article is provided by Ocean LightForce Chiropractic your 100 Year Lifestyle Affiliate Chiropractor in Virginia Beach VA

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