Ocean Lightforce®️ Chiropractic


Contributed by Dr. Jack Bourla
The 100 Year Lifestyle Licensed Affiliate Chiropractor
in Redwood City, CA

There’s a new class of people that is vital to the way families function. This new class has been affectionately termed “The Sandwich Moms”. They are sandwiched between raising their own children and taking care of their parents at the same time.

With extended life spans becoming the norm, and many elderly not adequately prepared for their extended lives, the burden of taking care of older and younger generations is left to the person that is often caught in the middle: The Sandwich Mom.

The fastest growing segment of our population, according to the US Census Bureau, is the Centenarian (100 year olds). It is estimated that between now and the year 2040, the Centenarian population will grow by 746percent while the remaining population will grow by 35percent. That is a lot of elderly people. Someone has to take care of these people who were blindsided by their extended life and deteriorated into old age. The Sandwich Mom has been called to the task.

On the other side of the responsibility coin are Sandwich Mom’s children. Fifty percent of the children born after 2000 are predicted to live 100 years while the other 50percent are predicted to live shorter lives than their parents. Which side of this 50percent that the children end up on, and the quality of life that they live, will be determined in large part by the way the Sandwich Mom cares for her kids and the health values she teaches her family.

So, who is going to take care of Sandwich Mom as she cares for multiple generations? Sandwich Mom must take care of herself!!! Knowing that she is vital to the raising of her children and caretaking of her parents, Sandwich Mom needs to make sure that she is well. How can she do this?

Certainly healthy lifestyle choices such as a positive attitude, healthy eating and exercise, must become a top priority. It also means Sandwich Mom must take care of herself and assure that her body’s main coordinating system, the nerve system, is working well and unobstructed by spinal distortions which can negatively affect nerve function, increase stress and cause all types of health problems. A chiropractic checkup will evaluate the nerve system for interference caused by spinal distortions (known as “vertebral subluxations”)and is vital to the Sandwich Mom’s health care.

Gentle chiropractic corrections called “adjustments” can assure that the nerve system is healthy to coordinate all systems of the body. When all systems of the body are receiving proper nerve supply, optimal health can be achieved and the Sandwich Mom and her family can be better prepared to cope with the challenges of being stuck in the middle. To make Sandwich Mom’s job easier, the entire family (children, dads and parents) should be checked regularly for vertebral subluxations and health values should become the top priority for all.

Taking care of others is a tremendous responsibility for the Sandwich Mom. Taking care of herself is essential for all generations to thrive in this age of extended life spans. While she is caught in the middle, she is the standout in family health care.

Are you a Sandwich Mom? Do you know one? Sandwich Moms, take care of yourself and teach healthy values to your family. Call our office today for a consultation to see if chiropractic is right for you. We look forward to the pleasure of serving you soon.

© 2013 – 2014. The Family Practice, Inc., Dr. Eric Plasker and The 100 Year Lifestyle. All Rights Reserved.

This article is provided by Ocean LightForce Chiropractic your 100 Year Lifestyle Affiliate Chiropractor in Virginia Beach VA

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